I have one more room to clean in this house. Then my summer cleaning is over with. I painted a room. now all I have to do is wait for me best friend from high school to come over and visit. We have been friends ever since I was a junior in high school. I was the best Man at his wedding. He went to school to become a missionary. He left to go to Africa with his wife and 3 kids.

Last year he came back. Moved one hour from Abilene. Now he is coming for a visit. he movie.. "Beaches" is Kevin and I. My being Hilary. (go figure. I was always the level headed one). Now we get to visit for 2 days before he has to go back and preach in his church. That will be next Thursday and Friday. Knowing someone that long and remaining strong friends is a wonder. I feel blessed by him. He has giving me a heart full of love and friendship that goes beyond friendship.

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